A little taste of butz

I'm excited about this blog. I plan on utilizing it to put thoughts down in... type. I think about a lot of the issues I face on a day to day basis and writing them down will allow me to consider them with greater clarity and consistency. I also expect this blog to serve as a place to rant and rave so that I don't have to bother my friends with my trivial b.s. Because usually, when I get upset over something ranting will do no good and often I'm just hungry or tired, so why bother them? butz

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I'm a college student, figuring things out one day at a time.

Friday, November 04, 2005


Well, the Beta PIper is almost done, finally. It takes a lot of time and effort, at least for me. It doesn't seem that putting together a newsletter would take all that much time. Most of the articles are written for me, and I have a pretty good idea of what is going in and where.
There's just so much tweeking that is necessary. Finding pictures and converting them to what I want is also time consuming. Then there are the articles that I do have to write that take a reasonable amount of time each.
So, does that mean that writing isn't in my future or does it mean that I'm not very practised or what?
I'm not so sure, but it takes forever nonetheless.
I must admit however, that I really enjoy the feeling of having made the publication. This is the first one I've done essentially on my own and it looks pretty good. I'm quite proud of it.
This will also probably be the last one I do, assuming I get the position I want in the house. I've enjoyed alumni relations in many ways, but in other ways I realize that organizing events isn't my forte. I'm better at helping others in support and the big picture aspects that are important as a leader.
At the same time I've gotten a lot better at running events and understanding better what is involved. I realize how important Marketing is, and timeliness etc. I was plagued for a long time with the false belief that if you plan it, they will come sort of a mentality. Now, I think if I were alumni relations again I would do a much better job.
Still, I'm not sure that assuming I get elected to no other position, that I would do it again. I would actually like to be pledge educator. If McKean doesn't do it then Lesh will probably step up, but that doesn't mean I couldn't do it instead.
I really need to talk to Travis and Dustin and Fink and figure some shit out.
Otherwise things are good now that this PIper isn't hanging over my head, but I still need to finish the Parent Newsletter which shouldn't take too much time...


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Deep Throat

Idaho Beta reveals he's Deep Throat
(Posted: 02-Jun-05)
W. Mark Felt, Idaho '35, revealed in the current issue of Vanity Fair magazine that he was the informant to the Washington Post known as "Deep Throat" during the Watergate Scandal (1972-1974.) Felt, a top ranking FBI official at the time, leaked information to Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernestein that led to President Nixon's resignation in 1974.

Felt earned a bachelor's degree in letters and science from Idaho, where he was a member of the Gamma Gamma Chapter and served as chapter president. He went on to earn a law degree from George Washington University and joined the FBI in 1942.

Source: www.betathetapi.org

Pat Garrison

Pat Garrison Rocks,

He is super helpful about anything whenever I need something. I don't think I've ever really been able to reciprocate that as I have little to offer in the way of applicable expertise in anything he might need help in. So I guess being a good friend will have to be enough repayment to Pat.

So, I had the management presentation today. The clip I made depended on downloading an episode of the Apprentice that I could edit. Well, I identified two episodes that fit my criteria for authoritarian leadership but couldn't find a download.

Well, I ask pat and he finds me something, downloads it and then figures out how to get it to me. I just let him access my U account he uploads it I download it and voila presto changeo I've got something to work with.

So, thanks pat you loveable guy you!


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

beta theta pi

What a great fraternity, a brotherhood of men...



agreement 1

Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

agreement 2

Don’t take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

agreement 3

Don’t make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

agreement 4

Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.



I'm finding that I enjoy country music more and more. Once I was able to stop the automatic "i hate country" impulse and listen to it I found it interesting. It definitely expresses a different culture, but thas coo.

i've always really enjoyed garth brooks and that twangy country in oh brother where art thou so I think it was only a matter of time before I succumbed.

Also, it's nice to have music that a person can dance to, not just grind to.



I first became interested in rubbermaid when I read Good to Great and saw "is walmart good for america" at about the same time and they presented two very interesting points of view. One being the big mean china/walmart killed rubbermaid. The other being douchbag ceo's and poor mgmt transition killed the company. The latter I find to be more important though the former is definitely something to consider.

Anyway, as I research this more and more I'm making interesting connections and seeing something really fun emerge.

So yeah,

that's where I'm at right now.



ps there's a chick in the computer lab looks like she slid along the pavement with her face...ouch. Halloween is dangerous i guess

Frank Sinatra

I really like Frank Sinatra. What a happy go with the flow sort of a guy

Norah and Jack are kind of the same...
