A little taste of butz

I'm excited about this blog. I plan on utilizing it to put thoughts down in... type. I think about a lot of the issues I face on a day to day basis and writing them down will allow me to consider them with greater clarity and consistency. I also expect this blog to serve as a place to rant and rave so that I don't have to bother my friends with my trivial b.s. Because usually, when I get upset over something ranting will do no good and often I'm just hungry or tired, so why bother them? butz

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I'm a college student, figuring things out one day at a time.

Monday, October 31, 2005


I've been literally intoxicated with Norah Jones and Jack Johnson for the last 6 months. Do their singing styles reflect my personality lately? Do I like that reflection? Or is it just a whim what music we like...

Music certainly seems to play a large part in many peoples' lives, I think the ipod is an example of that. Maybe we are afraid to sit down in silence and contemplate life and faith and spirituality and all that shit that runs around in our heads. Lord knows I forget all the spiritual questions I have until the summer when I'm busy but busy in a quiet setting allowing me to process the ramblings.



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