A little taste of butz

I'm excited about this blog. I plan on utilizing it to put thoughts down in... type. I think about a lot of the issues I face on a day to day basis and writing them down will allow me to consider them with greater clarity and consistency. I also expect this blog to serve as a place to rant and rave so that I don't have to bother my friends with my trivial b.s. Because usually, when I get upset over something ranting will do no good and often I'm just hungry or tired, so why bother them? butz

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I'm a college student, figuring things out one day at a time.

Monday, October 31, 2005


I'm really happy how my fraternity experience has turned out. It seems that making rash decisions and falling into things is actually a pretty effective way of living. Though planning everything out is more my nature, it rarely works out that way.

I'm really eclectic with a lot of stuff lately. Not sure where I stand on a lot of issues but much surer of where I stand on others. C'est la vie.

I'd better get to work on the Piper. I really don't enjoy doing it, but then I kind of do. I think it's the procrastinator in me.

Beta Theta Pi, definitely a highlight in my few years on this planet



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